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Anybody can make money in a thriving economy—but can they maintain profits during an economic downturn? As a small business owner, worries of an economic downturn might keep you up at night. Do you have enough cash on hand to cover your bills? Will next quarter’s product launch fall short of...
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No one can foresee what the future holds for any business but having business emergency funds available can help with keeping afloat during difficult times. Let’s dive into business emergency funds: what they are, how to calculate how much to save, how to set up an account, and strategies that may...
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The current economic environment is incoherent and unpredictable, and the gap between available labor and expected growth grows wider every day. A pivot in consumer behavior toward eCommerce seems to have led to a noteworthy overhaul of supply chain management processes. The traditional business...
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Despite economic fluctuations over the past year, average Americans continue to spend during the holiday season. The latest statistics suggest that online sales are projected to grow by 4.8% year-over-year, reaching $221.8 billion this year. Navigating the challenges of rising inflation and finding...
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Rewind the clock about 15 years, and you won’t likely hear many business leaders expounding on the benefits of supply chain transparency. Today, however, it’s top of mind. Many consumers are more focused than ever on company sustainability, and production transparency can be an essential part of...
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The past several years have witnessed a fundamental shift in how many people view sustainability worldwide. Moving forward, understanding—and centering—the three pillars of sustainability may be crucial to thriving as a business. While there are other factors at hand, it seems the Covid-19 pandemic...
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To thrive in 2023 and beyond, many executives have realized the importance of pivoting toward technological innovation. Treasury management solutions are one of many ways your company can grow by tracking its operational finances and commercial commitments more efficiently. Automated software helps...
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The medical industry continues to face a labor shortage, specifically when it comes to laboratory technology and testing. These behind-the-scenes technicians are indispensable to any hospital or skilled nursing facility. Before Covid-19, lab techs were running 13 billion tests in the US each year...
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Financial health helps you leverage skills and opportunities to harness new monetary advantages. Maintaining complete visibility of your finances is the best way to reach them. Let’s dive into why financial wellness is so important—and how you can improve your monetary health today. If you want to...
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Gear up for the season with our holiday budgeting tips! Maximize your festive cheer while staying on track with your financial plans. While it’s better to give than receive, you can take charge of your expenses this season with effective holiday budgeting tips. Understanding Our Spending Intentions...
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Making Integrated Payables Work: How to Help Your Money Do More If you’re still running manual payment processes, you may be leaving money on the table. Learn how treasury processes like integrated payables have a direct impact on both your cash flow and vendor relationships. Treasury processes like...
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Every year, vulnerable Americans suffer losses of over $28 billion due to financial exploitation, as reported 1 by the AARP. Shockingly, only a quarter of all frauds against the elderly are reported to law enforcement. At New Mexico Bank & Trust, a division of HTLF Bank, we are dedicated to safeguarding our vulnerable customers...