Blog Post
Keep your A-team on board! Dive into these proven retention strategies in professional services and cultivate a workforce that thrives. Due to factors like economic uncertainty, a shift to remote work, and early retirement, service-based companies have a new incredibly high turnover rate of 13.4%...
Blog Post
The medical industry continues to face a labor shortage, specifically when it comes to laboratory technology and testing. These behind-the-scenes technicians are indispensable to any hospital or skilled nursing facility. Before Covid-19, lab techs were running 13 billion tests in the US each year...
Blog Post
Skilled labor plays a critical role in keeping the cogs of the economy running smoothly. The manufacturing industry’s ongoing skilled labor shortage is marked by some concerning trends. While the manufacturing industry, like many others, faces challenges related to economic uncertainty and...
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The nursing profession is currently undergoing massive changes—and there are some telling nursing industry trends from this past year that point toward more changes and opportunities on the horizon. Learn more about the nursing industry as we take an overview of its state in 2022. Nursing is one of...
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With more than an estimated 200,000 jobs to fill (and more to come), nursing home and ALC staff have every opportunity at their disposal to find a new position. Almost every operator you speak with will tell you recruitment and retention is one of their biggest challenges in today’s labor market, if...